ADAMS Bolted-Corner Cast Aluminum and Cast Iron Jackets
All sections are vertically grooved inside and ribreinforced outside.
Lifting handles are incorporated in the well-balanced end sections of all small sizes. Special handles on large sizes.
Minimum weight, maximum strength and rigidity are assured.
Part replacement in your own plant is quick and simple. The sections, sides or ends you order arrive jig drilled and milled.
Let us offer recommendations to meet your particular requirements.
Material: Cast Iron or Cast Aluminum
Jacket Lengths: Measured at parting line of mold 12" to 48"
Jacket Widths: Measured at parting line of mold 10" to 36"
Jacket Taper: Standard tapers are 3°, 4°, and 5°
Jacket Depths: Standard depths are 5", 6", 8", and 10"
Special sizes and depths customized to your specifications are available.
Optional Equipment: One or two man handles as specified.